Voyage Voyage...

Publié le par Ilhem

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE...and what about going abroad for your internship or just if you need some holidays?
If you have the chance, it seems convenient to know that you don't have to worry about health care.... on the condition of going to a country of the European Union.

In fact, the CEAM "European Health Insurance Card" can make life easier.

No need anymore to wait for hours or days in the administrative offices.

If you are affiliated with the health insurance of a member state, you can, during temporary stays
on the territory of another member state, benefit from coverage for health care you might need on the occasion of these stays.

The CEAM guarantees access to care in the country of stay, without any preliminary administrative steps.
Medical care will be delivered on presentation of the CEAM in the same conditions as the insured of the country you are staying in.
It would be advisable to ask a doctor if such a service exists in the country that you want to visit.

In a nutshell......the CEAM takes care of everything.

CEAM can be used in Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Spain, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania, the United Kingdom, Slovenia, Sweden, and Switzerland.

So what's your destination????           


Publié dans Consommation et Santé

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